Veda Kamala Puraskara
Dr. Ramakrishna Narayanaswami
Respected Sir,
An accomplished scientist, well versed in the state-of-the-art software technology, an innovative designer, a dexterous trainer and deeply religious, an ardent devotee of Shiva and Vishnu, follower of Vedic ideals and a keen student of the Vedas – Sir, it is indeed impossible to hold the multi-faceted profile of your personality in a brief sketch.
Born in an orthodox family in Tripunithura, Kerala, you imbibed the best impressions of Hindu Dharma, rooted in the Vedic culture, right from your early childhood. Guided by your revered father, Shri S. Ramakrishna Iyer, who himself was a devotee of Shiva and Vishnu and practiced daily Shiva Puja with Shiva Linga and Salagrama idols for Vishnu with all relevant Vedic chants, you followed the footprints of your father in this respect. The values he inculcated in you were deeply ingrained in you and led you to learn Veda Mantras even after your Ph. D. degree from Cochin Srinivasa Iyer, a Vedic scholar and teacher. Not only did you continue the study of Veda Mantras, you started teaching others the Veda Mantras and organized and participated in many yajnas for Rudra, Chandi and Ganapathi. You also taught your friends the Vedas and Upanishads.
Sir, you obtained engineering degree from College of Engineering, Trivandrum, M. Tech. degree from I. I. T. Madras (Chennai), Ph. D. from Texas Tech University, USA. You were selected for the prestigious National Science Foundation-National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship to conduct research at the NASA Langley Research Center at Hampton, VA for a period of 2 years, and, you spent a further 3 years as an associate Research Scientist at NASA.
Sir, you are among those scientists who worked with NASA on the development of NASTRAN software code (NASA Structural Analysis code) in the early 1970s. After that, you worked at the Rockwell International Corporation (presently the Boeing Company) with the Internal Loads Group for the B-1 bomber program for the U. S. Air Force in the mid-1970s. Afterwards, you worked as Scientist with the MacNeal Schwendler Corporation for 3 years and developed advanced capabilities for the MSC/NASTRAN software code. You were the founder-president and CEO of CSAR Corporation and led the team to develop CSA/NASTRAN software code and structural optimization software codes CSAR/SIZING2 and CSAR/OPTIM2.
You had also distinguished yourself as an able trainer on the theory, engineering, programming and user aspects of the NASTRAN software code and had delivered over 100 seminars worldwide to engineers of leading corporations in USA, Japan and Europe like Boeing, GM, Ford, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz etc.
Sir, you have been the founder-Chairman and Managing Director of CSM group of companies incorporated in Bengaluru in 1992, CSM Software USA in USA in 2003 and CSM Vigyan Private Limited in Bengaluru in 2006.
Since many years you have associated with SAKSHI and utilized every opportunity to obtain knowledge of the spiritual interpretations of the Vedas from Dr. R. L. Kashyap as propounded by Sri Aurobindo and Sri T. V. Kapali Shastri, thus enriching your knowledge of Sanskrit that you had studied in schools and the Vedas which you had already learnt in your early childhood. And you humbly attribute all your achievements to the grace of Shiva and Vishnu, your chosen deities, whom you have been worshipping all along.
It is a great pride and pleasure to honor you with Veda Kamala Puraskara.